
I have a big problem but probably a noob problem.
If i want Extrude a circlel he ask if i want to extrude only edges or only Vertices.
I cant chose normal extrude i must chose between verices or edges. The probles is is that if i chose only edges it is not a 3d model anymore but a flat thing (i am making a sword)
And if i chose vertices it is to flat but than you see only the lines.
How can i extrude a circel that it is 3d?

If you extrude a circle you should get a conduit
or you could also select conduit in the primitives when adding a new mesh !


A circle is a line and does not have any faces. “Edges” is the standard extrude for a line. Extrude edges from a line will give you a standard surface mesh. Where you take those edges, i.e. up down or sideways, is up to you. Extruding points from a circle line will give you more lines only; no faces. To extrude a “Region” is an option that’s only available when extruding geometry that includes faces. Extrude Region will extrude an area that is capped by the area of faces that are selected.

If you want to extrude along the normal, the direction that a face points, you have to have faces with normals. Extruding an edge along a face normal isn’t possible since there aren’t any faces.:slight_smile:

Is the circle you’re working on meant to be the profile of the blade?

Anyway, there’s two things you could do. Select your circle, hit shift-f or alt-f to fill it with polygon faces, then selet all of those and do a region extrude, this will give you a solid shape.

Or select the lines you have now, do the “edges” extrude, then while you have it attached to your cursor (before clicking again) hit X, Y, or Z to lock motion to whichever axis is perendicular to your shape. (You can toggle between them till you grab the right one, I always do.) This will leave you with a hollow tube of that shape, so you’ll have to deal with the ends later, but for a sword you can probably just turn one side into the hilt and collapse the other into a single point. . . (after extruding several times in sucession anyway :))

On the pressing X, Y or Z thing, you can also hold Shift and press 2 of those and it will constrain the movement to them.