extruding along normals different in 2.28?

I was looking how to extrude along normals and found that after extruding ‘e’ to press ALT-s.

however, this is not working in 2.28, it seems to go into scaling mode and pressing ALT-s again seems to reset the mouse for the scale command.

Is this a documented change?? if so how do I now extrude along the normal?

it works exactly the same in 2.28 as 2.23…

you have to release the extrude mode for it to actually work…

release the extrude with RMB and then, push ALT+S …then it work :wink:

Ah thankyou, thankyou!!

I have no idea why i didn’t try that :expressionless: … well, now I know better for next time :wink: