how would be the best way to model and animate eyelips
I’ve done it with both armatures and rvk’s. Having done it both ways, I only use rvk’s now. You can have better control of the eyelid shape as it closes over the eye. I model my eyelids half-open as my base key. Full open and full close are then created as rvk’s.
Depending on the effect I’m going for (toonish or realistic) you can either have the eyelids connected to the skin surrounding the eye (realistic) or as a separate mesh (more toonish). If you want to have them be a single piece with the rest of the face, the best way to do that is to select the row of vertices that defines the upper, outermost edge of the eye-socket, then extrude the eyelid from that. Hopfully you’re using subsurfs.
Good luck!
Ibzd wrote:
how would be the best way to model and animate eyelips
hehehehe! you are doing surrealism these days?
excuse my dumbness, but what are rvk’s ?.
i’m actually working on animating an eye, but am starting with just a plain sphere.
however, i peruse here to get more info on what i might need, and i’m gonna need eyelids.
Relative Vertex Keys
Eyelips. I saw that in a madonna video…
Seriously, do a search on the forums for relative vertex keys and for tutorials. You WILL have to learn how to use rvks if you want to do realistic facial animations.
i know how to use rvks i was just asking which was the best way rvks or armitures. i think i should have been more definitive with my first question.
I thought your question was clear. Was my response lacking?
Sorry…I was responding to myfish…not trying to hijack the post…just lost track…
ok guys, i have checked out some tuts on rvk’s.
some are outdated though and they refer to the scale key for instance.
i guess thats the same as LocRotSize ?.
i cannot find any reference to the mesh key though, but i’ll take a closer look later.
BTW, the problem i had has been solved, thanks.
as for collision detection, i read that it doesn’t work post 2.25,
is this going to be incorporated into a later version.