Eye texture

Just wondering what you guys would have done differently with this eye texture. It’s only practice from a tutorial so I probably won’t re-do it, but the colors look wrong to me. It looks okay from a distance, but close up I don’t know… Anyway, Photoshop noob alert.:stuck_out_tongue:



The texture is ok but IMO a grown-up does not have such bright colorful eyes. The eyes of grown-ups are more grey and have not very much color - make the texture a little bit more blue and it fits perfectly for baby-eyes :wink:

I personnally would’ve fuzzed out the outer edge just like you did with the inner one (fuzzy border between the black part and the blue part). And maybe use a darker shade of blue.

I just redid the tutorial to the letter and I think it turned out better. (Last time I chose my own colors.) I also added some blur around the outer edge like Borgleader said.:slight_smile:


Also just fixed the blue one. No more tweaks though, because all my layers are combined now.


it looks good, LRJ, Perhaps you could add another layer, transparent with a little greyscale noise and a big radial blur over the top with an opacity of 30% or so just to break up the smoothness a little.

Have you seen my eyeball tutorial in the Finished Projects section?