Eye tracking rig won't work

I’m trying to make a 2d texture track and bone to steer the eyes. I’m using a driver to track to the bone. The driver seems to not work like it did in many of my other rigs. I’m leaving a link to the model to see exactly what i’m talking about. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fP3MFB2JWN4Y2g4pbjQp-2G7qI-hFouu/view?usp=sharing

Turn your snapping off. I don’t see the issue?

Well the issue is when you move the eyes_ik bone the eyes should be tracking its location using a driver placed on the image texture.

Turn your snapping off.

Yeah the snapping is off still not doing what it’s suppose to do.

Hi, check the drivers setting directions it could be that you set the wrong directions?

Tried all directions refuses to move.

Hi, Your eye’s mesh are made of three layers only one eye back layer has a driver set.
I have moved them apart so you can see.
See screenshot: