Eye Tutorial

Anyone know where i can find a decent eye tutorial, i have tried the “pixar” eye tutorial over at Blenderchar but i can’t get a decent result!

Does anyone know of any other character eye tutorials please


Here is one for a different style eye. It is more for the lattice deformation, but it might help:

I done the “pixar” tutorial and was very pleased with the result.
If want to try again I’d be glad to help you.






cheers guys

the part i don’t understand in the “pixar” Blenderchar tutorials is were you have to join the 4 meshes.

How do i assign the iris texture to the appropriate part of the newly formed mesh?

Help please


Well firstly, I would create everything seperately, add the materials, THEN join them.

When I made the iris, I used UV mapping.


You have to select the vertices that you want to have the iris material, go to the Edit buttons and there is a block that says 1 Mat: 1. Under it are buttons. Click on the New button and you will see that it changed to 2 Mat: 2. this means that there are 2 materials on the object and you are on the second. Then you click Assign. You just assigned all the vertices you had selected to the second material. Then go to the material buttons and see the same block in them. 2 Mat:2. that’s what you’re looking for. you can cycle through the material blocks by clicking the arrows beside that block. Now just assign materials like you are used to. Does that help?

With the Pixar Eye tut, everything was going good until I had to texture the iris. First, he deosn’t show you the coordinates he used so mine is all wacky. Second, I know this is a pretty noobish question, but how do you change the color of the iris. For instance, how do I get it the blue color like in the example?


Have a look at Blendo at:


Anyway, here are the settings i used:

Map Input:



size x 2.0
size y 2.0
size z 1.0

And to change the colours in Blender use the colours panel in the texture buttons.

Hope this helps.

You might have trouble with Texture Space.

If your camera & lights are setup you should see something like this…

You can Grab or Size the texture using key T.
Here’s a wrongly sized texture space…


When you join the eyeball parts, they don’t move.
You have to position them yourself.


Thanks! I got it now.
