F-22 Raptor

Hey guys, I’ve been working on this model for a couple weeks and I think I’ve hit a dead end.
I have been working from a schematic diagram of the F-22 Raptor to get the shapes right.

I have been having a problem getting a smooth rounded edge on some of the wing edges and such.
Here are some pics of what I have so far. (Untextured)
And yes I know that I have not yet built the Rudders on the tail fins.
Any tips on improving this mesh before I UV map it would be appreciated.


looking good so far.

Good work so far, for rounding the tips of the wings, maybe try selecting the verticies only on the very tip and use th epropotional edit falloff (hotkey: O) just incase ;)…
Disclaimer: probably will not help you… but anyway… :smiley:

Wow that looks awesome. Iv’e made a model of this plane myself, and am making another one as we speak. But neither of them look as good as that. I’m also using a schematic drawing as the blueprints. Infact, my avatar has a raptor in it:) Can’t wait till it’s finished:D

Yeah its good looking so far…looking forward for the completion of this project…

Although praise is good, I don’t think anyone can truely help you until you post a wireframe.

Looks great! A lot better than I can do.

If you are using it for a single frame image (I haven’t been on this forum long, but you get what I mean. Not a animatoin or game) then I would love to see a transparent cockpit with detail, and be able to see the pilot inside, as seen in this image. Otherwise, it’s probably a waste of time. Other minor details are the tail fins, which seem a bit to close to vertical, and the channel between the engines (see attached image) could be improved. I don’t know if this is any help, but this website might be interesting. Otherwise, great model, and I can’t wait to see it textured and finished. Keep it up!


now 'ats an aircraft!! whoo!

Darn…now my f22 feels soooo inadequate. Nice job on the modelling, a little texturing would make this fantastic!