F1 2000 - Imola Variante Alta - Early 2000 season

Hey guys, I hope everyone is safe and having good time on Blender.

I wanna share with you some WIP shots of my current project. As I got time I try to go deep in detail for this one.
I try to reproduce the more credible way a famous photo of Michael Schumacher in his 2000 Ferrari at Imola.

Note : I’ll not rework the overlapping parts of the Driver in the sit as it will be inside the car (not visible).
Cloth done in Marvelous designer and materials is a mix of Quixel Mixer, Substance Designer and Blender internal nodes.

What do you guys think?


I think wow super nice!

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this is impressive,saying this as old Michael Schumacher fan.

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Thank you :slight_smile: really happy to hear that you recognized him!

Hey guys,

Went forward on the scenery.
I worked on the curb placement and shader.


Wow it’s a huge project, and already very impressive. What caught my attention are the clothes - they are really awesome!

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I went a step forward Yesterday. Doing the scenery and some details.