F1 (April 8: Updates 12 and 13)

Image 1.


Image 2.


Whoah. The first WIP made me think, “meh. shark?”. The second one is frikken bitchin. I wish I could see more of it!

Are those torpedo tubes or some sort of inlets for propulsion?

keeping your cards close this year :stuck_out_tongue:

looks dangerous! please no bright blue, looks like theres going to be some mean modelling and i want to see it!!!

oooooh! Nice looking.


realy nice design, looking forward to more :slight_smile:

show us a render, show us a render :smiley:

mmm less wheels than mine…that’ cool

Thanks everyone!

Image 3.

Much more to come.

Teasing teasing. :smiley:

Image 4.


Pretty. Wouldn’t want to hang around in that part of the sea.

Looking good Robert.


awsome work robertt!

i not sure if image 3 is another vehical or the bottom of the shark machine? it would be cool to have ocean animal style racers, a squid, shark, whale all racing. or one big shark is cool too.

i think texture would be the key here. lots of fine detail texturing would really make the small model details stand out!

look forward to seeing more updates!


it appears you might be going for another multi-stage-fruitcake design again…

it looks good, but i hope you pull it off better than you did last year (i think it was last year anyway…)

Thanks BgDm and Wu and traitor.

Image 3 is part of the engine room in the giant sharklike racer.

Wu, you came amazingly close in your comments to what I have planned for this. I am working on several other racing vehicles in the scene along with their drivers. The list includes a manta ray, octopus/squid style vehicle, seahorse, hammerhead, starfish, possibly an orca if not the hammerhead, plus some real sea life and other aquatic stuff. It should be a densely active scene when finished, if all goes well.

A little story about all this will be coming up too. The “Nautilus Stage” belongs to the big vehicle portion of the race, where competitors travel a huge distance across the sea in these custom vehicles. This is what will be shown here. Each vehicle has its own benefits and shortcomings along the way.

Last year the idea was about sacrifice, not winning. This year the concept and tone will be quite different.

Much more work to be done.


excellent. i look forward to seeing this.

also, i’m hoping that seeing your work in the 2.4 splash is not giving you a gigantic head, haha, i have a big enough ego for all of elysiun.com, haha!

this is going to be an awsome scene dude, i look forward to each update!

Wow! great work! I’m just wondering if an open cockpit submersible is such a great idea?? :wink:

I feel jealous! I like this idea a lot, and I think the modeling is great.

[To Soter]The driver may have gills or may be symbiotically linked to the ship so that he/she doesn’t need a closed cockpit!


All vehicles in this scene will have open cockpits :slight_smile:

Here’s a new vehicle I’m working on for it.

Image 5

The driver of the Squid actually sits in reverse towards the rear of the craft.

Drivers are humans who have adapted, mostly in terms of technology, to a world turned aquatic.
