F1 Challenge -FIRE & ICE

Here is my first go at an F1 Challenge entry. Still lots to do but this is the gereral look of the image. I would greatly appreciate any comments, crits, etc…be gentle.


You could smoothen a bit the vent-looking thingies behind the driver’s head, they are a bit blocky

turn on subsurf. now, the models kinda look like theyre meant to be for the game engine. and make different levels of specularity while youre at it. nice models though, i really like 'em. by the way, whens the deadline?


I agree with previous comments though.


very F1 like… but with and edge… so, it looks like, when you turn on the front engines, it will flip? :slight_smile: I’m not sure about the mixture of traditional tires and rocket engines… especially when the rockets are in front.

i like the fire effect… I wish I could do something like that.


Cool image!

The edges are a bit sharp: smooth them down a bit - otherwise the texture looks a bit weird. It also needs to be a bit smoother - turn subsurf on. Otherwise, great image!

it’s great, i can’t believe what basse wrote, you know your modesty is very insulting in a way. i thnik the ice racer should, having a blender sponsor no one would want the oposite. nice fire. i like the ice effect, but it lacks spreading like the fire, i mean the fire has spreading (spreading of the flame) i’ll continue later

i like a lot!
won’t bother mentioning the blockiness, it’s been said so many times.
I really like the combination of the past and present with the wheels and jets. For some reason i like the ice racer alot more than the fire racer. Not saying you should toss the other one, just giving my opinion. Only real suggestions i can give is to maybe work on the lighting setup a little, and if you have time give it a bit of an environment.

I haven’t really been paying attention to this challenge much, but if you do a little bit of work on this, you’ll probably get my vote. Nice concept and carried out well.
Good luck.