Still in a very early stage… I’m not sure about the round shape of the front part. Suggestions?
Hmm… The front part is interesting. The whole thing looks pretty cool! Nothing to comment as of yet…
Those turbine fins look way too far forward. Apart form that nothing much to crit.
Those creases/lines look cool, keep it up.
It’s better this way I think.
It’s looking slightly reminiscent of General Grievous’s ship…
Heh… I couldn’t find an image of General Grievous’ ship but it’s way cool if my stuff looks like Star Wars.
Yes, very cool! The overall design is very fluid and organic-like… Great work!
Don’t forget this is focused critique. Now focus and critique something!
Firstly: Don’t make your modelling preveiws so full of shadows, it can get confusing to the viewer work out shape or form.
I think those turbines would be more functionally correct if they were further back but i appreciate you are working towards a certain style.
nice idea, but i dont know, i kinda like the first design better:confused:
overall modeling looks good, and yeah i think TheANIMAL is right the the turbines should be further back…
and loose the shadows only AO should do…