Well, here’s my WIP for the F1 contest. Tell me what you think.
Please tell me if there’s any way I can improve on it, or fix any flaws with it.
C&C Please, and be honest.
Well, here’s my WIP for the F1 contest. Tell me what you think.
Please tell me if there’s any way I can improve on it, or fix any flaws with it.
C&C Please, and be honest.
dont know what i’m looking at yet but i like the texture…reminds me of something for mechwarrior
Yeah…It’s a hovercraft-type motorcycle-type thing. What you are looking at is the back view of it, the engines and such.
hmm, people always … hmm… ok… I know this is wip section, but how can I post any comments on that sort of thing?
heh… I mean… I don’t know what it is, and now that you kind of told me what it is… then what? what kind of comments you were looking for? it’s a hunk of metal, and looks like that to me.
anyways, you seem to know where you are going, so I am just going to sit back and check this thread later on, when there is something to see…
well, ok, one crit: you could bevel those edges.
Thanks, I will bevel them later on.
C&C please, and again, BE HONEST!
i just love the way you did the textures…
keep going
i bit low poly… for a f1 contest i mean
don’t lesten to him… (lol nothing personal gabio) i think its perfect the way it is…reminds me of
Star Wars
It looks um… well the first one looks like a concrete slab, the second one looks a little better… I’d suggest putting some kind of jet engines on the sides…
its very stylish lemmy. your idea of combining hovercraft and motorcycle is neat. look forward to seeing more
motocycles are just cool
Thank you everyone. Now, back to work!
I love it man! Looks like something that should be in a future type game. Of course it’d need a mounted gun!
you’re getting better mate, will be watching…
I added a background, cables, a bit more detail on the hovercycle, and voila!
Comments? Crits? Ideas?
your concept is awesome !
maybe add a fake-GI ?
Thank you. I would add a fake GI, but It would almost quadruple the render time.
Awesome scooter ( that’s harley talk ),…could use some handlebars though.
Yeah, I guess I forgot about those…