F1 Vehicle WIP (Please tell me what you think)

Here is about 6 hours of work on my first every F1 entry. Please critique. I would love some suggestions.

They don’t really look like they are racing, more like a formation finish, cruising up to the line. Maybe some motion blur and more aggresive stances.

The tunnel is good, but doesn’t look like a track, maybe some kind of ring-like waymarkers, or something else to define a track.

As for the f1s, IMHO they look a little unsleek (I assume it is space so they don’t need to be, but they have wings so…), and to my mind they look more like fighters than racers.

In that tunnel they would have blue lighting from all round…

Lots of promise though…
Good work.


Okay. The ships are my concept of a ship called a Bug Fighter in the Animorphs (and my A2) series. They are fighters, but they are also extremely fast and dangerous, so they would be perfect for racing (especially with the Dracon Cannons mounted in those spires lol). I have reworked their positioning now; that was just a default pose. I have added blue lighting into the Hyperspace Tunnel and also added markers.
Also, these craft are sleek, but do fly in space and z-space (anti-space) most of the time, but don’t you think that the F1 racing would go to the stars in time. I do. LOL
I am working on rending it again, so I should have the new version up in a few.

here is the new version with the improvements

I’m sorry, but I don’t even see how these can remotely be called F1s. They’re nice models and all, but whoever is running this contest needs to come up with some way to define what is and isn’t an eligible F1.

well…the rule are simple: FUTURISTIC F1!!! that mean it could be the what the f1 look in 5 year…or in a million of year!!

If the guy think the f1 will loook like that in lots of year…well it’s his right to make it look like that…

btw, nice model, but it need some better texture and lighting…

well…the rule are simple: FUTURISTIC F1!!! that mean it could be the what the f1 look in 5 year…or in a million of year!!

If the guy think the f1 will loook like that in lots of year…well it’s his right to make it look like that…

Actually, I believe it simply say to model an F1 in blender, with no reference to the time period.

UM… here is the rules:
The rules for the 2003 Blender F1 Challenge are the same as years past. The theme is to create what you feel to be the Formula One car of the future. It can be one day, one year, or one hundred years! If you look at the 2001 and 2002 favorites, you will see that these are no ordinary F1 cars. Some touch the ground and others do not. What you do is use your imagination.

I could not have said it better myself… :slight_smile: