Fabric Simulator Freaks Out when Self Collisions Turned on

I can’t figure out why my fabric simulation freaks out when I turn on self collisions. I’m trying to basically just make a drapery. I have two points hooked to an empty which I would have scaled down. But you don’t even need to touch that because the moment you press play the fabric crumples and then flies off. The simulation works fine if you turn off self collisions but I need it on to be more realistic

Photo of when self collisions if off

Photo of when it’s on

My file is really big so I can’t attach it but let me know if there is something in my self collision settings that looks off.

Your self collision distance is way too high. Your fabric is 24x16 inches and your collision distance is half an inch. You should scale that down by multiple orders of magnitude - collision distance should be in millimeters at most. Think about how small real wrinkles would be.

Got it thanks!

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