I was just wondering what a reasonable face count would be for various objects if they were to be animated and placed in a game.
I was just wondering what a reasonable face count would be for various objects if they were to be animated and placed in a game.
A scene should really never exceed 20,000 tris (15,000 being optimal) and it CANNOT go above 40,000
Cool… Is that in the erhm Sticky-Section-FAQ/ish area? Cause it should be…(IMO)
Would a tri be the equivilant of a face?
That is until OGRE replaces the current render engine. Still this would be good advise even if that goes in if you’re aiming for low end machines.
no faces are simply polygons. ie not all polygons are tri, but all tri’s are polygons
A face can be either a triangle or a quadrangle. When people say poly count, they are usually referring to the amount of tris are in the scene, because, even if you have 100% quadrangles, they are all still rendered as triangles. Both triangles and quadrangles are called faces, which is misleading beacuse blender only gives you a Face count not a tri count. Keeping in mind that quads are made up of tris, your scene will probably equal 1 and a half times the Face count blender tells you, give or take quite a bit depending on your modelling style. To actual compute your tri count factually, enter edit mode on your object, select all the faces, and convert them to tris (ctrl+T or shift+T). Then look at your face count and Blender will tell you accurately how many tris you have.
My below resopnse, it is not personel!!!,
When I say “you”… I mean everyone besides “me”… not just “you”…
please listen what i have to say, and dont take it personel, I am not going to re-word what I said here, because it is from the heart… and I am almost off my coffe break,and have to go to work.
Original message:
If you need to ask a question like this,
You need to answer it yourself thru TESTING
FACE count is great if all your game involves is faces blank unshaded faces.
Faces also come in flavors of vertex colored, UV mapped, and other (GLSL)
There is no correct answer to this question, no matter what game engine you use.
the question is too vague…
What you have to do is some testing on your own…Ask…What dose YOUR game need?
Do you need GLSL shaders?
Can you get by with Flat unshaded content…
Can you paint the static meshes with just vertex Wirefram to make a cool effect?
There is no correct answer to your question…
Every game is different…
The only reason I am going off on “another one”, is that I personally listened to a few people in the past talking about things like Poly-count, and based my entire project upon their assumption, and my interpretation of what they said turned out to be WRONG!!!
Asking a question like this is like asking “How many sounds?”, “how many IPO’s” and “How many actoins” can we use in blender…
They all add up! too many of one thing or another, is bad…
unless your game is all unshaded polygones, without sounds, and without actions, and without animations, the question is quite absurd.
There is no way to define this unless we are testing your game…
Your best bet, is to start small, and play with the Blender game engine…
You wont have to ask stuff like this in the future…
you will know when it is time…
Hopefully I awnsered your question by, not awnsering your queston.
I wish you good luck
I understand what you’re saying pOOf, but the reason I gave him the number I did is that it’s simply an estimate that allows wiggle room for all that other stuff. In the game engine, my computer doesn’t lag at all until I reach around 35,000 tris, but if I actually have a game, with textures and all that other fancy stuff, I usually cap it between 15 and 20 thousand. Like I said, it’s an estimate with wiggle room. The 40k is an absolute however.
God , I did not even read your post… I was on break
I was talking in general…
Sorry, i should have read the other posts… It is not a direct contradiction to anything anyone has said here!!
Sorry man
it has nothing to do about anything , except the subject…
My lack of time has somewhat screwed me…
Hey DIM…
If you are haveing problems making spaces in firefox I have a workaround…
I had to switch to opera…
A cookie crunches me here
Hey DIM…
If you are haveing problems making white spaces in firefox I have a workaround…
I had to switch to opera…
A cookie crunches me here,
I cannot have multiple lines
I hope the above Pisses off whoever made the cookie that borques firefox like this…
It peggs other “Gecko” based browsers like Mozilla and Kamilleion
(I bet I spelled that wrong)
anyways… sorry man!
Well, I have no idea what you meant by that but if you meant that I tend to write long thick pieces of text, that has nothing to do with Firefox, that’s just the way I type, out of force of habit, and to not take up too much space (Blendenzo seems to type this way as well). If it pisses you off, I’ll start spacing my text. I still don’t know what you mean, but I dought it required 3 posts, and we shouldn’t hijack this thread.
P.S. Don’t drink too much coffee on your coffee breaks, or you’ll go crazy. And I’ll take these three posts as evidence of that transformation…
I agree with p00f on the face count thing. I used to give numbers, but my experience has shown what p00f is saying to be true. Personally, I suggest you just keep it low-poly. Cut out every face that is not absolutely necessary. In my own game making, I have also come to the conclusion that textures eat up more game speed than face count. That might just be my crumby graphics cards, though. (No matter what Social says about his GeForce, my graphics card is still worse.)
BTW, Dim, it’s spelled “p-zero-zero-f” – p00f. And p00f, I’ve had worse white space problems with IE than Mozilla. Firefox works fine for me. You guys are great… :rolleyes:
Okay, I get the fact that you have to limit the amount of polygons.
One question:
how do I count them?
(Already searched the forums)
@_LsBlend: Look are the top right corner of the Blender screen, it’ll give you face, vertex, edge, and object counts.