face modeling

i try to finish a fantasy (not based on a reference image) face model within one week. well, i just have two hours per day to work on this project, but hopefully this time period will be enough (7x2hours). i have done some face modeling before, and this time i really want to finish one model entirely without any ugly poles, or bad-bad, really bad topology.
thanks in advance for c&c.
first day: setting up the environment, creating a basic face contour and an eyeball in front view. started to model the eye, enabled subdivision surfaces and virtual mirror. next day evaluating c&c-s and finishing up the eye area (i know, there is a lot to correct). thanks.

what program are you using? just wondering cuz it doesn’t look like blender XD. comeing along nicely though

Well, it looks like you’re on track with your topology, but what does this have to do with Blender?
[Edit] I see. You do your modeling in gSculpt, then apply the materials and render with Blender. What advantages do you find using gSculpt instead of Blender’s modeling tools?[/edit]

thanks for the reply guys.
project goals: model a female head without the ears (hair is gona cover them), create textures for the model
with the gimp and blender and finaly render a still in blender (havent decided yet, internal or yafray).
the most important goal i wish to achieve is the final render stage, what means to overcome my lazyness
once and finish a project entirely. and i think its doable within the time period i set for myself (well, the
modeling stage should only, for the texturing
and rendering i think i need one more week).
i choosed gsculpt because it has the construction history where i can go back to a previous manouvre and modify it.
secondly, it has n-gons which i find uber-cool over “forced four sided poligons”. and there is an another reason
i have used blender, wings, gsculpt before for modeling, but i think not once my brain…do i really need all those
steps (and i do a lot of useless tweaks) to finish a model? here comes gsculpt into the picture, when i have
finished with this i can evaluate myself, check and think over every step to build a fast (or at least
efficient-er-ish) workflow for myself.
ok, second day gone, update:
worked a bit over the eye area, due to a “happy accident” i ended up having some kind of a pinch effect near the
eye-corners…i think im gona keep those, but later on i have to tweak them more, at the moment they look kinda
strange a bit. created the head reference shape in side view, im pretty satisfied with it. started to create the
nose, tomorrow i have to work more (i mean a hell of a lot) on this because it starts to look too cartoonish. next update tomorrow, same time…

3rd day gone, again two hours of tweaking…
today was a very succesful day, i could overcome my previous failures, the “brick look” how i call it. it means, that the model looks good from both the front view and the side view, but its horrible to look at in the perspective view where the side and front shapes meet eachother in a cornery fashion. also, i could give the model a more human-like nose (man, how many poles i had till i reached this stage, sigh…), so im very pleased. proportional tweak with smooth falloffs, gotta love it! also its the third day, and i think im a bit disappointed how many steps i used already, i expected less for the initial days. :confused:
next update tomorrow…

setback…this days tweakings are… :frowning:
only one pic…

5th day.
had to remodel the jaw area, it has now cleaner flows. draw quad mesh tool was used for this. although i still have 2 days from the one week i set for this project, im gona stop now
and work on this quietly and post a final image when im done. took the model into blender, gave
the model a basic material and did a test render with yafray which turned out pretty good. i have set the basic atmosphere, now i have to work on the hair. this gona happen in blender entirely. i want to use uv-d meshes, and later on some hairstrands…
model’s final headpose in blender, refinements (like smile, eye position, eyelashes, eyebrows, tear bags) later with proportional editing, etc. :

Looks like ur getting your lineflows right. It looks like its coming together fine. I feel like the forehead is a bit too much.