Face/Normal Problem [solved]

I’m sorry if this is a stupid question, but I’m not exactly sure what to google in this case. I am writing a game and using Blender to make models for it. One of the faces appears light-grey in Blender, and causes problems in my application. I’m fairly certain it is producing bad normal information. If I try to delete the face so that I can re-make it, the problem shifts over to the adjacent face.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the problem.


Check that the face is actually planar .
You could try selecting the face and set it to smooth shading.
Select all faces and use Ctrl+N to recalculate normals.
This face will actually be two four sided faces, set to be an FGon. You can show the real faces by selecting the face, pressing F and select Clear FGon
You say it’s causing problems. What kind of problems?
As you haven’t attached your blend file this is just best guesses

Thanks for the quick response.

It should be about as planar as floating-point precision allows. I created an icosahedron using add->icosphere, then added and applied a bevel modifier (corners only).

You could try selecting the face and set it to smooth shading.
Select all faces and use Ctrl+N to recalculate normals.
Neither of these seemed to solve the problem.

This face will actually be two four sided faces, set to be an FGon. You can show the real faces by selecting the face, pressing F and select Clear FGon
You say it’s causing problems. What kind of problems?
I use the face normals programmatically in my game to position/orient the camera over its surface. Each face works as expected, except for this one, which produces an incorrect orientation. FGons are also important, as my custom export script converts them to NGons to simply some calculations in-game.

As you haven’t attached your blend file this is just best guesses
Blend file attached.


trunc_iso.blend (126 KB)

It’s the active face, only visible in editmode so it’s not really a problem
(if you select and deselect another face it will become the active face)

Ah, that makes sense.
I’m still a little unsure of where these bad normals are coming from, though. I’ll have to double-check my code.

I found the problem. It was a silly mistake in my code, not a Blender issue.
Thanks guys.