Face to volume: giving thickness


As blender newbe, I’m trying to give a (complex) model an overall thickness of 1 unit (it’s 300 units wide). So, like in the image:

So, if I’ve a straight corner, I should stay straight, but on both sides .5 units more…
I know it’s easy with a plane (extrude and move), but it is no cube; its a big , eh, thing :stuck_out_tongue:

How should I do this?



Solidify modifier ? http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.5/Manual/Modifiers/Mesh/Solidify

looks like it !

Thanks, trying it out :slight_smile:
Getting weird problems with the normals though :frowning:

Select the Even Thickness and High Quality Normals check boxes. The other way is to extrude the faces then scale along their normals (Alt+S). This can give uneven thickness so the modifier generally gives better results. You will get bad results with vertices close together on sharp bends so it’s all down to what shape you start off with whether the results will be ok or not.

yeah, that’s indead my problem; edges are VERY close to eachother…