Well after a period of decadence I too have finally made something new. Haven’t made anithing in a while now and I’ve only just seen the shattered glass tutorial by Andrew Price so I thought I’d take a crack at it in my own way. Would apreciate any and all C&Cs
Oh and
Thank you Andrew Price for a wonderful tutororial
Large black areas are generally a no-no in 3D art. Work with composition and image dimensions to eliminate the black areas and move the viewer’s eye to the center of interest.
Render it in a higher resolution! We want so see the awesome details!!
I think the dark theme to the image works well… If it were brighter then it’d sort of subtract the feel of mystery.
I think you did a very good job of putting the explode modifier to good use.
Works well and looks great, well done.
Tip: maybe add a subtle motion blur to the fragments? Not a must though.