faces or vertices?

in the case of face modeling what techneek should I use? the one were u get a box set it up the extrude the faces until done then edit the V’s or the one were u have 1 V then trace say a pic u have by extruding from that V then making more till u got a outline of the face then u make the faces?

Geez, grammar police anyone?
(unless of course, English is not your first language, in that case, sorry.)

Try both, see what works for you better, we can’t tell you which way is right or wrong as they are both acceptable.

Just here to second what Alex_G said. It is really not possible to tell which method suits you better, look at some tutorials or walkthroughs to get a basic idea which kind of techniques are involved and which look “easier” / “faster” to you and try them. But basically it might be a good idea to try both, just to experience which problems occur when you’re using either of them.

It depends on what you are modeling.
Like what the others have said - you should learn different ways to model, and then you’ll learn what types of objects should be modeled in what ways.

depends on the project.
when i’m making inorganic objects, i usually have blueprints so i extrude a cube or something.

when i make my organic objects, they usually come out of my head. so i make a single side-view drawing and trace the edges and make them into faces to extrude.
Then it’s on to sculpting. :slight_smile: