Faces seem to be clashing, how do I fix it? (help)

This is what I mean:

Looks like you have overlapping geometry. Try this: in Edit mode, select all with A and press M. Choose By Distance.

If that doesn’t work, try adding a remesh modifier and turning down the voxel size

Ye when I choose by distance this happens:

Ill try the modifier

The modifier crashed my computer…

And it didn’t seem to work.

How small did you choose the voxel size to crash you computer ?? And i think there are some bad normals involed…can you show your first image in wireframe mode and also showing amount of vertices (Blender Preferences → Interface → Staus Bar → Scene Statistiscs)?

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did you try the clean tool? it is found in the mesh near mode selection.

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Hi there :slight_smile:
I think you lost that many faces with merge because you had one big big face connected to many random vertices, so it was like a random concave island in there.

Your geometry is not so complex. If I were you, I would turn on face orientation to check if the outside is nice blue everywhere, then simply select the vertices and hit F to create nice flat faces for the holes. (You can subdivide edges as well if you search for subdivide, should you need vertices someplace).

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