He also let me put a pic and link of the custom bone setup I made as a reply to that thread, so go check that thread out if you want to find out more.
And here is a link to the video. I only spent a few minutes on it, so that might show through, but I think it came out alright thanks to Calvin’s extremely expressive and smooth model and rig.
not bad… not bad… :eyebrowlift:
Happy to see people trying out the things I make.
(Took me a while to find, kind of forgot about this forum’s existence.)
I’m beginning to think that’s why this forum was put here, to get feature tests by excited newbies (I’m thinking of most of CB’s ‘finished’ work) in it’s own little playpen.
bgstratt the lipsynch looks good, but except for the first few words, I haven’t a clue what he’s saying :spin: .
I guess I might need subtitles when I try to speak in bad, made up, foreign accents. heheh.
The line is “Uuuhhh, hey, me no speaka engrish.”
I guess it is rather short for a lipsync test, it was also a lot quicker to key than I thought it would be. I tend to believe that shape keys would be faster and bones more expressive, but now that I’ve really been playing with Calvin’s rigs I think I could be mistaken. I spent way less time tweaking with the shapes using the rig than I would have using keys and it ended up being quite a bit more expressive and facially accurate as a result. That’s probably just the rig though.
On another note, I’m glad people can see my posts, I was beginning to think I was half invisible.