Facial motion capture tutorial problem

Hello im trying to recreate facial mocap from youtube tutrial:

Everything goes fine exept using script from the end of the video. I have more than 100 trackers so i im getting python error message. I found a solution to change code little bit (if you have more than 100 trckers) but after that the error still appears.
Can you help me? Now my code looks like this:

rename bones in armature
for value in range(1,iter):
if value == 1:
bonename = “Bone”
elif value > 1 and value < 11:
bonename = “Bone.00” + str(value-1)
elif value >= 11 and value < 100:
bonename = “Bone.0” + str(value-1)
elif value >= 100:
bonename = “Bone.” + str(value-1)
bone = bpy.data.objects[‘Armature’].data.bones.get(bonename)
bpy.data.objects[‘Armature’].data.bones[bonename].name = ‘Bone’ + str(value)

and im getting messege: line 63, in
KeyError: ‘bpy_prop_collection[key]: key “Bone.99” not found’

thanks in advice