Fade a reference object in viewport - wireframe

I am trying to use an import SVG as a reference. I’m creating a very simple grid of points over the reference SVG, so I want the SVG (when I’m in Edit Mode, moving my points around on my proper mesh) to be very faded, so it’s not in the way when I’m editing my points. But I’ve tried the (never works anyway) Viewport Display options:

…which do nothing, and I’ve added a material with an alpha of 0.1, which also does nothing to affect the wireframe view. How can I simply have this SVG displayed as a dull, faded thing in my viewport, while I use it as a reference to move some points around? This is the situation in edit mode…I need to add a point to my mesh at the centre of each of the circles in the (messy) SVG, but it’s almost impossible to see where I’ve already added those miniscule black points:

Any suggestions, please?

UPDATE: I did then set my vertex size to 10, which helps enormously, but I’d still like to know how I can change things in the viewport display seeing as that “Viewport Display” section is useless!

Well… if the SVG is imported as curves… they itself do not have any material nor transparency… ( which also makes no sense ). Even changing the color tin the them (which would be Wire Edit ) doesn’t help because there is no transparence ( againL makes no sense)…

But if imported as via Import → SVG as Greas Pencil then there is Layers → Opacity