Fade in Object (without materials tab)

I would like to do a fade in animation with one object I created. Now my Problem is, I can´t do it with the alpha channel in the materials tab because I dont have a transparent bsdf and when I add a transparent bsdf with a mix shader my object is black when I turn the fac to zero. So is there any other solution to do a fade in to one object?

Thank you for your answer!

For Eevee you have to properly set up the material.
Here is a short video of it. Hopefully, it helps and this is what you are looking for. :slight_smile:

  1. Enable Backface Culling
  2. Set the Blend Mode to Alpha Blend
  3. Set Shadow mode to Alpha Hashed if you want the shadows also to blend. (Haven’t done that in the video.)
  4. Mix the PBSDF with Transparent BSDF and use the Fac slider for the effect.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

is there any solution to do it without backface culling, because when i tick it on is my half object tranparent, I guess there is a problem between a shader or bsdf and the backface culling

Are you trying to achieve something like this, where you don’t see the backface of the object? :slight_smile:

If not could you show me an example of what you are trying to achieve. :grin:

I had a similar backface problem: