Fading out Add-enabled Planes

Hey. So, I’m returning to an old project, and I’m trying to figure out how to fade out additive enabled planes. It seems like only Alpha enabled planes can fade out, but I would like them to be Add-enabled, if possible. Any ideas?

Hi Solar Lune!

We can use animated textures there is also the “add” value inside of face properties. There is a prehistoric technique which I found very useful: animate RGB values of an add rendered texture check it out the attachment :wink:

Maybe if you combine that with a simple timer and the state machine you can control better how long the “fade in” and “fade out” lasts.

Take care with the new face texture panel removal :wink:

I hope it helps.



PulseBall.blend (286 KB)

Huh, that was the method that I was using, but it wasn’t working for me… Thanks for the example. I’m going to go back and see what the issue is with my texture. Thanks again!

Take care! Just tested this thingie inside 2.60 RC1 and it doesn’t behave correctly :wink:

Probably due to the game engine animation update.