Faked GE Softbody

This has probably already been done but here it is anyway. It uses a stack of property sensors, a frame counter property and a stack of Edit Object actuators to add objects sequentially to the scene. Check layer five for the stack of softbody frame goals. Each one had to be stepped sequentially from the current frame ( or reset to one ) and counted up to the target frame. At this point the softbody modifier is applied and the process repeats. Is there a script that does this? There are probably more elegant methods for this effect but its quick?? and dirty jacking bricks around. regards honeycomb

:o Geez that’s gotta have taken you awhile to setup. It’s nice and all, but would only work for the cube. Since it’s just basically replacing the object with that of the next blanket. Hehe sorta of like your very own animation by frames.

:wink: There is one way to make it a lot easier though. Run it via python script. Keep the logic bricks that increment the property. Then just replace the rest with property->python(replace)->edit object()

Cool looking effect by the way.

Jason Lin

updated link above with python script.

I should add a script that will copy the softbody object, cycle through the animation and apply a modifier at the desired frame.

goldentaiji: thanks for the motivationn to write some python. I am not sure how many of these objects a scene can handle while swapping. The main goal is to use this effect on the “Secretary” characters skirt in my main “Crime Fiction” project.