faking dynamic shadows in BGE PDF

here is a short tutorial for creating shadows,
this is my first tutorial,
here it is as a PDF!
simply download to your Computer and replace the .blend to .pdf
download pdf from here /uploads/default/original/3X/1/3/13a0cd62f48058253b48c2ff5c46d09263305633.blendstc=1&d=1227804120

download .blend from heredemoForShadow.blend
download HTML from here: stc=1&d=1227028652
the file looks like a .blend but it is .html
(has no pics.)
So ‘save as’ and then open in firefox, internet explorer ect.


2.5 How to make shadows that follow player-compressed.blend (437 KB)

why didnt you paste the tutorial here?

I did’t think the pics could be seen. if you could tell me how to put it here that would be great! :smiley: but I can’t get to the internet until monday:(

it doesn’t work. what version of blender are you using?

As he stated in the OP, it’s not actually a blend file, it’s an html file.

aside from that, when i download it i cant see the pics either, just the text and unloaded pics.

tried opening it with ff…
still doesn’t work. :confused:

I renamed it’s extension. (.html)
You forgot to include a directory called: ‘How to make shadows that follow player_files/<images>’

pics would be great

I’ll replace the HTML with PDF and hopfully the pics will show.
Expect PDF on the 25th (tomorow).
sorry for the bad first file!

I have made a demo file with Suzanne & shadow,
get it from down there /
the PDF I said I would do is to big for this site :no:
I’ll compress it and post on the 27th.


demoForShadow.blend (966 KB)