I thought of an extremely easy way to fake a GLSL buffered Spotlight. So, if you’re computer can’t run GLSL shaders, here’s a cute way to mimic it. My computer can infact run GLSL shaders, although not at a speed I’m confortable with.
And if you take note to the Frame Rate, you can see it’s definitely not using GLSL shaders, because I’m running it at 60 FPS, which is my fastest speed. Have fun, and enjoy!
Advantages: Saves your framerate.
Disadvantages: Doesn’t realistically portray shadows.
Hint: If you want the scene to look more realistic(Blurry light), add a texture to the Circle mesh, where it makes the edges look blurred off. This means you’ll have to make a Alpha texture map on the Circle mesh. Good luck
This is nice. I was looking for something similar. However, my idea was to make a cone.
Do you happen to know the shade colors that becomes transparent in blender?
Currently, black is seen as transparent, and other shades… knowing the range would be nice.
Thank you.
I added a halo as a texture, removed the material and collision (causing a backforce), set half of the circle set at “add” and other half to “opaque”. Following is the result of the change.
I tried with a new texture to design the spotlight effect. In my other attempt, the color is changed and new vertices were added to create a better blend between the spot to the dark area. However, what would be nice, is if I could get the Dark area to be somewhat transparent, however darker.
Another problem I came into, is my attempt makes it seem like you’re looking through a lens of some sort rather than actually feeling like it’s the spot light.
To fix this, I thought perhaps projecting a circle surface in front of you where it would be larger depending on the camera coordination and the collision sensor location. Perhaps it would be set as Tracking towards the camera so where ever you look, you would see it.
The only way this could work, would be through a script and some logic bricks (in my opinion).
Still using the Faking GLSL shader, the circle surface would create the depth and the circle surface on the camera would create the other darkness and blending effect of the spotlight.
Following are 2 images taken in a tunnel of what I would like to simulate.
Brighten by the camera flash:
Lowered the lighting for a better darkness feel: (eye angle view, you notice the shaded texture)
If you have any suggestions. It would be appreciated.