

this image is not primarily about the two robots.
it would be too much to say that there’s a complex story hidden in the context of this image. there is however a certain feeling i was going for. it’s probably too hard for me to explain with words, so i better let it speak for itself.

blender screenshots: mountains | bots | snow

this one took me quite a while since i’m now sort of busy with university, learning maya, making weird movies and traveling here and there with blender in my backpack.
the mountains were made from a plane with sculpt mode with a simple normal map material, just like the snow.


wow first post yes!its a honor to post first…great image 100% spot on…definetly gallery in the forum and in the blender.org gallery too…stunning!

Stunning. Mind if you just render the robots out of the box and post here again to let me feel i am a blooooooody beginner ? (Well, i am)

edit: sorry, the page did not load properly. I can see it. Again - stunning.

Lovely concept and modeling, but I can’t help feeling that it’s been way too heavily post-pro’d.

4 stars.

Hi Andy,

Great work there, huge amount of details and very nice mood. The usage of B&W is very welcome and gives to the image a dramatic feeling. I personaly would prefered with the head falling too, the actual postion of the head let me a non well balanced feeling, can’t explain. Great job anyway. Congrats.

awesome work as usual!
couple things: a slight bit more contrast maybe? i think itd give it a more dramatic feeling.
also, maybe a slight vignetting effect could put the focus more of the robots, right now they blend a bit with the background.

id be really interested to see the project at its different stages (without materials, with materials, lighting, raw render, post processing, etc) if youd be willing to show.
thanks for sharing


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Great emotion and feeling in this piece @ndy. Always a great treat to see something new from you.

I tend to agree about the contrast mentioned above though. They do sort of get lost in the image as a result.


Another great piece from @ndy. Superb job.

Awesome creation, @ndy.
5 stars from me.


Amazing flow and general feeling to this image. I feel there is slightly too much contrast though in some areas.


great modelling!

The overlays really help to tell the mood, and I wish more people would include post-pro in stills more like this, it can be very useful. You should continue to inform people of your methods in post pro, it is much craved information =)

I really do like the poses of the robots, and it does tell a story, In my opinion due to the extreme conditions you’ve shown it feels like a more dramatic version of the same pose would help let this inner story be an emphasis to the great visuals surrounding.

Wonderful work, and wonderful to look at. 5 stars

super work…like yours all :slight_smile:
can I get your dark theme ?

I can’t find any flaws or even anything to improve upon.
This is one stunning work.

I personally think you could have made this image look better.

There seems to be alot of 2D looking overlayed elements; one that stands out the most is the soft, white brushed-like areas (looks a bit like a blurred cloud filter as a whole). While it might not be 2D, it looks like it’s covering up areas to take our focus away from the snow or act as a replacement for lack of rendered snow?

IMHO I think less, soft blurry patches and more densed up snow /snow storm in the background would have given more impct to what appears? to be one of the main focal points of this image?

It almost seems a shame that the wondeful looking mountain in the screenshot is blurred out so much :(.

I also wonder, did you render that image in b/w or in colour first?

T’is, however a fantastic looking image.

Good god @ndy! I just don’t know how keep pumping out such amazing masterpieces!

I really liked this - and I kinda made a bit of a background story in my head while looking at the image.

I imagined that it was an old time-warn illustration of a fore-father robot who crossed the treacherous peaks to find a new land, from a robot history book or similar.

He led many and many perished, but he forged a new life for us robots in the plains of Robotland. This image is of course a famous artistic render of fore-father robot carrying his wife - Robotina who became crippled during the journey by a very nasty fall. She did not end up surviving the journey.

OK - so probably not what was in mind when this picture was done, but I’m glad I got a story out of it. :slight_smile:

After all that shite I might as well say that I really like the post-pro on this.


hey… whats that cute little thing on bottom left corner?

and here’s a nice proof that the terragen2 program is just fancy useless toy.

good work!
interesting mixture of styles.
a bit different from the previous ones, i really like it.


Good gravity! You name every object? I admire your level of organization. I never name anything, much less even look at the outliner. How does it help you?

Some people might ask for a wireframe. Could we see your OOPS schematic, please?

Fantastic work, I smell a trip to the gallery.

Beautiful, just beautiful