Falling ... up?


First post, and it may well be a challenge… :wink:

Ok, I’m trying my luck with the GE, and wonder if it is possible to change the origin…of the universe…well, the point of gravity, anyway. If I set up a scene (plane with some topo and a UV sphere) and hit P, the sphere falls … down. and basically keeps falling … down. what if I wanten the center of gravity to fall in the same spot as the Shift-C spot? How do I do that?

I’ve been modelling (well muddling is a better word) a tree, can I “weld” this a one re-usable object?

Tnx in advance


Hello. There is another thread about changing gravity. It’s very recent, so you won’t have to go back too far to find it. And Shift-D will duplicate your tree, if that’s what you are trying to do.

I think you would need to use python for that. I could make a quick example .blend for you if you want

Gravity can be changed via python by calling GameLogic.setGravity([x,y,z]). If you want all the objects to move towards a point then you would actually want to disable gravity all together and use a motion actuator on every object to imitate gravity.

The thread that was mentioned before can be found here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=141180


Tnx for the replies! Magnum Opus? You fist: T-N-X !!! Shift D is exactly what I needed. I Shift-Right-click all the objects that make the tree (cilinder & spheres) hit Shift-D and … plant annother three…cool, thanks!

Sorry about starting the “same” thread"…I’ll sniff tru the forum to find and learn.

So, gravity. Hmm. Jay_Dee_892, wow, I saw the video and there’s one word: WOW. That was done after 2 days of proggin’? Well done. Basically that’s where I wanted to get…eventually.

And, tnx Andrew-101, the text was read, studied, not yet understood. But, then, I am a Java dev…Python should be feasable…

Ok, I’m off … to the BatMobile!
