Say I wanted to make a jet engine fan blade… would I model one blade and use the Spin Duplicate feature, or do I have to Alt+D them all, or is there a more efficent way? Please… be specific.
Thanks guys!
Say I wanted to make a jet engine fan blade… would I model one blade and use the Spin Duplicate feature, or do I have to Alt+D them all, or is there a more efficent way? Please… be specific.
Thanks guys!
For those who care…
You might find the array modifier useful for this. See the forum topic and wiki page for details.
I don’t know what sort of detail you want on your fan blade, but there’s a subsurfed cog example on the wiki you could probably adapt to suit your purpose (you can easily turn off the subsurfing if need be). I made something more fan-like from that example with a little bit of playing around:
Blend file here.
this array modifier is exactly what I’m looking for! But if I understand you correctly, this is not in the current version yet? I’m a bit surprised actually that it’s not in there yet
when can we expect this feature in a public release? I’m on windows here, so I don’t have the guts to start patching & building
Get the guts! It’s really simple, just make a folder and put the latest testing build from the forum here and run the thing. No install or special handling required, all that you need is provided.
Can you tell on what pages it is
and may be give a name on that page too
K, easier is to just go to this page. Download the Win32 zip and unzip it right to your Blender folder. Then start the exe it gives you.
Hey, I didn’t know about that forum (and site) yet! my bad :o
thanks a lot!
This is a Zip file of 3.2 MB
What does it contains in general or at least a summary of it
and where will i find the array modifier ?
In the Edit (f9) buttons, modifier tab, hit add modifier and select array.
That zip contains the win32Blenderxxxx.exe and some new drivers and the latest PovAnim script. Just put them all in the same place where your current blender.exe is and double click the new .exe.
I’ve been playing around with the array modifier…
it simply ROCKS!!!
thanks for adding that feature and ZOO for providing the windows builds!