Fantasy building from my girlfriend

Hi folks,

I am posting this picture instead of my best friend´s wife, because she don´t speak a word english. She is learning Blender half a year now from my tutorials and this is her first little more complicated model in blender so be nice to her :smiley:

It looks excellent, and I have but one suggestion,…The structure looks quite old, all except for the roof tiles. I realize that tiles are replaced from time to time, so this need not be considered a deficiency, but I think it would look a bit better with the occasional broken or missing tile. On the whole it’s quite impressive. Please tell your friend that it looks great, and my compliments on an awesome job.

cool! that is a very nice model.

now we need a cool environment

good work :smiley:

your girlfriend is your best friends wife.
way to go :slight_smile:

anyways, model looks very good… I like it. looks like she knows how to texture too.

it’s in finished projects, but doesn’t look like finished. so, crits for the model:

  • roof doesnt fit the style (it’s new, like said here before)
  • what is that gab between roof and… something… railing?
  • insides look just black. perhaps curtains, or… something…

and ofcourse for the scene in totally, it needs background… :slight_smile:


Building is very nice.

I find Spec a bit too hight, maybe, expecially were the texture fakes a crack.

I can’t wait for a setting!



Beware of the subtle difference between your ‘girlfriend’ and your ‘friend’s wife’ it is the kind of thing which can make you stabbed with a knife…

I thought that girlfriend is not necessary lover or something, just friend who is female :slight_smile: Oh English…there are so many cultural differencies from Czech, I should be really more carefull :smiley:

Beware of the subtle difference between your ‘girlfriend’ and your ‘friend’s wife’ it is the kind of thing which can make you stabbed with a knife…

Fortunatelly for me- I am better with knife or blade that her husband is :smiley:

Thanx all for replies. I placed it on finished projects, because she has no intention on continue at this building, it was just try and now she is working on another project, more complicated with new techniques to try.
But I will translate her your crits, I know, that there are even more details, which needs to be improved next time on next models :slight_smile:

Cool, It really looks like an old building, just some more lightning effect and background scene, and it’s don, I think. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice, I should finally read your articles too. 8) Or I shouldn’t be so lazy.
anglictina blba, cechu cesky :slight_smile:
bye . vosa

Very nice, I should finally read your articles too. Or I shouldn’t be so lazy.
anglictina blba, cechu cesky
bye . vosa

You definitely should (of course for my benfit only :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ) :smiley:

Asi tak :slight_smile: A dej zas nekdy vedet, jak pokracujete :slight_smile:

dam, dam (i kdyz - zacla skola, moc nepokracujem), byl jsem pryc a ted zase jedu se skolou na tyden, jenom jsem rychle zaskocil na net kvuli havens-above.
all englishs:sorry for using czech I wanted to write it fast and without mistakes… :wink:
soo loong . vooz
<edit> ps joo, jeste jsem zapomel, gratulace k vyhre ve WC (doufam, ze to bylo tam).</edit>

And here comes my frequent reproach. Well: Bevel! :slight_smile:
And have you noticed, only czechs are using here their native language?
No dutch, finnish, german, spanish…

(Maybe we’re too lazy from a nature :smiley: Zejo, kluci?)

And have you noticed, only czechs are using here their native language?
No dutch, finnish, german, spanish…
Well I have seen as german on these forums as well as dutch, spanish or french. I have seen here even Polish :slight_smile: If someone is not as good in english and want to write something just for me and if it is not very often, then well, he can use czech, polish, german or english. I understand all of them even if I am lazy from nature :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Tol I think its pretty good for her first complicated model. And yes the texturing is very good. The only thing would say if it was still a WIP would be shadows to add some mood to the render.

But still I like it. Good Job! :slight_smile:

  • ADL7

Tol, if you or your friend are interested I would love to put that model in a Gothic Setting if you would provide me with the .blend file

If you would like to see my work I have put three environments on my web site at

Thanx, I will translate to her, she will be pleased :slight_smile:

Thanx for offer. I have decided that I will remodell it a bit for more details, make better texturing and will use it in our Ron Loo game because it match its style and it is definitely good enought for it :slight_smile: