fantasy temple

If that’s not a good picture then I don’t know why I even bother. I might as well delete blender and spend my life making french fries. I’ll never get anything better than that.

(I won’t stop, though… don’t worry.)

haven’t seen such crappy work in a long time… it’s best you stop making cg…


LOL! :smiley:
My sentiments exactly. (irony)


And yes…this is way above average here…not in CGtalk however…
Good work Endi!

Not your best but excellent nonetheless.

Very strong piece from technical standpoint. However, I’ve gotta question why the car is in there at all. It doesn’t really fit, imo. In fact, I think it kind of distracts from the temple. Much of your work that I’ve seen has a certain element of story to it… it says something more than, “Hi, I’m a picture of some things that endi modeled.” I think this one is missing that narrative element that makes your other work so compelling.

At any rate, I think the modeling and texturing are pretty strong and your color adjustments to make it fit the sky are spot-on. As an exercise, I think this works great. As a finished piece… not so much.

yep…thats an endi :slight_smile:

I think this looks great, but I guess I’m the only one who thinks the car is ou of place there…

Maybe because it’s just good nomatter what he does :stuck_out_tongue:

shut up !!

it’s great !! :smiley:
Kudos for those who deserve it

looks awsome! the only thing that bothers me is the car. thats just personal preference though.

Oh, really nice :slight_smile:

I find a little funny that the staircase lead to a façade without a door :slight_smile:


How did you make those great trees? Did you use Lsystem?

The wireframe image in the first post suggests they’re just photos mapped onto planes.

On most temple-like structures I’ve seen, a large and big staircase would lead to the front door/entranceway. This one leads to a wall. I guess the truly enlightened can just pass through the wall an into the inner sanctuary :wink: that’s the only thing that really stands out: lack of any door.

and the lighting is weird too. too diffuse and indirect for that sky. also the stained glass doesn’t look very glassy, but that could be related to the lighing.

great modelling.

Hmm…maybe “Open sesame!” and an entrance appears? :stuck_out_tongue:

I WANT THE BLEND! I WANT THE BLEND! I shout as I roll around on the floor and kick and scream. Nice pic. :stuck_out_tongue: