Fantasy Tribal Village


1.745.474 Verts???
I guess that my “humble” Athlon 4400 Dual core/64 is suffering…and Blender freezes?

Okay, time for an update :slight_smile:
It’s quite obvious what the differences are soI won’t bore you with pointing out the obvious.
In the actual scene there is also flowers and you can see the ocean going to the horizon, but due to excessive rendertimes they had to be taken out.
Huge thanks go out to CJ Maynard for rendering this for me :smiley:
C&C much appreciated


Looks good but the background seems to just drop off like a cliff. Maybe add some more hills in the background to get a feeling of distance. Good job and good luck!

Okaaay, another small update…

Currently working on an animal pen, temple and statue
Dudebot: Thanks for the input :slight_smile: What is shown in the renders posted is only a tiny part of the landscape (I’ll post an image of it all tomorrow), but I still see where you’re coming from. I’ll smooth it to meet the ocean gradually
EDIT: Is there any way to ‘paint’ colours/textures onto a mesh without unwrapping it?
I want to make parts of the landscape a sandy yellow where it’s closer to the sea to make beaches


Just as a reference, here’s a quickie render of the whole island.
Hopefully I plan to cover nearly all of it…

So, any opinions?
And PLEASE is there any way to ‘paint’ colours/textures onto a mesh without unwrapping it?i


That is so Awesome!~

Thanks :slight_smile:
Means a lot for my first proper scene
Anything you think needs adding, removing or changing?

Should have a new update posted in two or three days

Thanks for the link PapaSmurf :slight_smile:
As well as painting areas yellow, would there be any way to paint a procedural texture on the same areas? Or to tell blender to render that texture on the yellow bits?

hey there.

I like this village, but it’s not very realistic. It looks more CGI-cartoony. In a good way. Think Asterix.

Thanks :slight_smile:
Yeah, the realism thing fell out the window. Too hard, I have no idea how to do it, and I quite like the way it’s going now anyway lol

Found this file on my harddrive after about 8 months and decided to pick it up again.
Basically started from scratch on the landscape and the bridge is just a placeholder for now.

Any opinions?

Sorry for double posting, edit buttons vanished :S

If anyone knows any good techniques for making realistic water I’d really appreciate them sharing them.

Sweet! Reminds me a little of Freeciv (one of my FAVORITE games :D).

Tiny update…

Landscape texture is doing my head in though…
5000x5000 pixels and still looks bad close up :frowning:

EDIT: Ignore this thread, moving to focused critique.