FAQ (Work in Progress)

If you want to learn how to use the site, you should follow the @discobot tutorial you’ll find in your messages (click on your profile icon on the top right, click on the messages icon, open up the message from discobot)

You can also click on discobot’s profile, from the link above, and click the “Message” button to go through the new user tutorial. Sending discobot a message saying “@discobot start tutorial” will also start the new user tutorial. Lots of options :slight_smile:


excelent, thank you, i feel better now!

Okay it may be a little hidden… (speaking of images and not blend files :wink: ) but it’s in the initial post:

And the following text about trust levels

It’s an original feature of the used software… which does indeed also have a slighty hidden documentation… firstly not via → Doc(umentation) and using something in the URL like www..../doc.. in any link but via → Community using meta.discourse.org and then being the Documantaion-link being link to a forum itself ( of course using discord… itself ):

( not to confuse with the other meta named coorporation… which is the most stupid idea ( ← personal opinion ) for a name i think… see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta … )

So it’s the usual recursive problem:

You can’t use the software to inform yourself if you can’t inform youself by using the software…


But… : Here are non-artificial people answering !! :partying_face:

Super, yeah, it got me confused at first, but i see the logic now,i really apreciate your answer. Cheers

I’d like to post a paid opportunity in the Jobs category but when I click on the button it says I can’t create a new topic in that category.
Can you tell me what I need to do to post the job please?

Assuming you’re trying to post directly into the Jobs category, you’ll need to go into the Paid Work sub category to be able to create a new post.


Added self promotion policy

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Are only artworks from Finished Projects selected, or other sub-categories too?

Finished Projects and Animations :slight_smile:

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Ah, thanks!

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where/in what category should i post a “future” add-on question, so i would like to ask the Blender community if they would be interested in the add-on i want to build.

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