Farewell Earth

Well, this artwork is pure voice against pollution and blind over exploitation of resources of our planet.
People in comatose of luxury, higher standards, religion, economy race, competition. Which in results putting a lots of pressure on our earth’s resources. This planet is our home, we might find another one in future but reaching there and taking our stuff there is not that simple. Treasure this place and other species you are living with.
Give life more value than petty standards.
And definitely humanity should be ashamed of itself for creating such pollution mess around everywhere on earth.
Kids are studying about pollution in schools from last decade including myself.
For what??? To pass the exam?? when there are no strict rules made for prohibition of plastic, why??
Your luxury and higher standards doesn’t matter and doesn’t stand a chance in front of life and other species living on planet.
wake up humanity if you can.
Be responsible for your mess on this planet.

created in blender 2.80
Cycles rendering engine.




And the computer used to make that picture was made out of wood, and was running on a wind turbine…

better than iphone

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Maybe different height of the rockets and plumes. It looks like they all started at the same moment. It gives, I think, more dynamic to the scene.

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Thank you Bart :slight_smile:

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@itsMeBender You are 100% right… Honestly i have provided that height distinction but it kinda didn’t give much depth in that way besides i want to make rockets look like pinnacle in formation so that i could achieve kinda symmetrical look too… however i have few more ideas with these rockets and i will definitely try to get the height perspective depth. Thank you for the critique :slight_smile: