Fascinating new technology could help reducing the workforce in the 3D industry

Yeah, especially the human ones. The aliens look amazing, most of them I’ve seen. And if you believe the rumors it was due to a over confident in digital scans.

The graph will go up now that illegal aliens can’t work any more, MAGA lol.

Also how many jobs are in front of the computer? What is a computer any more? In the end it’s just tools as you say.

I do hope this tech gets more coverage. Instead of thinking about technical part and never finish your movie or game, you can make something instead of giving up.

But it might be the next WordArt for a few years and people will get sick of it.

Absolutely. It will allow far more people to create 3d content, including movies and games. In my opinion that is very exciting on one hand.
This kind of technical improvements are certainly going to have a tremendous social impact too, that should not be ignored. Yes, jobs will be lost, first and foremost the ones which involve repeating tasks that can be automated. Especially when those techniques are being adapted, more people will loose their jobs than jobs are being created due to the change. We simply can not know how this is going to evolve over time, but it is without doubt coming.

Even if Neural Network technology now is just a very sophisticated synthesizing technique based on pre-existing content, I don’t think it will be disappearing from the public eye anytime soon.

Cases in point, Comic Sans is still used liberally by many people who make documents for print, Lensflares are still popular in some cases among Hollywood types (the new Star Trek Movies are reported to have them), chromatic aberration filters and other cheesy effects still get used a bit by hobbyists, ect… Neural Networks in contrast have the potential to actually be of great use for high-quality content with a bit more development (that is as long as you make sure not to treat the algorithms as a sort of magic elixir).

And now all those lucky farmworkers get to sit about at home, pursuing leisure but now still getting a paycheck, just like in all those sci-fi films…

…oh wait…

not to mention nobody else can afford to own the land, but anyone can subscribe to get a cabbage and a carrot for $5 per week :stuck_out_tongue: