This is not Blender, but I want to know your opinion about this result, on cgsociety.org was deleted my account and my IP adress was blocked, because I mean this image is done, bronze sculpt in Giger style, but facists from CG society declined me this result into 3D still gallery , because ITS JUST A WIP and its not good quality for still gallery…after that I made version with forest and fogs, and send it to validate…and they piss off my account and block my IP…What do you think about this facist practice on CGSOCIETY.org?

You mean fascism like this:


Dont fool the people Hangar:confused:

Are you serious…?..do you understand english?..DEFEATED HITLER bust…do you know what is DEFEATED…?..Do you mean, when I made a bust of old defeated dictator I must be a facist or racist…?..Wake up, bone…when somebody make bust of Stalin, he must be a comunist…?..where are you living?..Mars?

You should probably rework your definition of “Facism”. There’s no nation involved here, so you should probably just use a different word. And please let the different word not be something with na at the beginning, the same thing would apply to that.

Probably, if you act in a calm and thoughtful way, you stop being thrown out of forums.

Julian, do you mean something like a ,weird procedures on CGSOCIETY.ORG"…?..ok, but this is very soft named their communist , fascist practices…

ok, let’s put that in words… i mean, just check the work they post there… Ask yourself honestly if your art deserves to be there. Maybe you call it fascist, but this is perfectly well explained in the sticky thread you haven`t read. Then work hard really hard learning strong art concepts. Then try to post again. Maybe this time you won’t get banned. But all this is about learning, about don’t trying to cheat yourself. If you don’t have the eyes trained to see differences between the works in the gallery and yours, you really need to learn art.
Take it seriously, man. It’s your work! :wink:

Calling someone a communist and a facist in the same sentence does not speak for “thoughtful”.

Apart from that, I second what meschoyez says. Just improve, work on yourself and then try again.

dude, you don’t know anything about fascism. and Meschoyez previously meant the right thing- your artwork just don’t belong to the gallery. I know that it’s impolite to say so, but you act like a child. Just name some arguments, why your artwork should be seen in the gallery. There’s nothing of Giger, composition is low… cgsociety didn’t put some of my artwork, which here was rated with 5 stars, and so…? it means that I must work harder, that’s it! and you should learn it also… fascism… please…

I dont need to train my eyes, I am designer and CG its just my hobby…I had on cgsociety many accepted results, and I dont understand , why is this result unacceptable…thats all…concretely reasons…I dont wanna talking about cg practices , because their gallery have a lot of unfinished , low quality results…thats no reason…I think about freeware politics reason…they dont like there good results made on open source or freeware…If you are looked at this site , so many commercial soft banners talking clean and pure…
Ok, I expect from you really constructive critic, no drivels about selfcritic…More light, more colour, sharpened edges…more concretely plants…what do you think?

Duffy@ In Giger s works is not composition No.1 …but accidence…and hidden meaning…this sculpt have both at the high level…giger is not about impress enviroments, its just a backgroung, his works talking to you…via details, hidden meaning and signs…my sculpt to…And I sad, I am industrial designer, not artist, I will be not hungry , when I will be not celebrated artist…its just hobby

If you are a designer, you can tell by yourself what can go wrong, i think. If not, you definitely need to train your eyes. Check the gallery work.

About some crits:
ON the design, it lacks some originality, you need to check some face anatomy references, and i think it’s overly post produced. A WIP looks like a WIP.
On the composition: needs some enhancement on colors, composition, the image must tell something. It looks “washed”, there aren’t a subject and a background well defined.
That’s a start.

Giger has a strong sense on composition, drawing, anatomy, color and he is a master on the techniques.

Meschoyez@ What dou you talking about?..first or second result…?..or both?..I agree with you about hard post work feeling, but this concept havent any character sketches, it s not developed two or tree weeks, just one night /and any 3hours postpro on forest version/…it can be improved, of course, /I mean forest version again, because sculpt version is clean bronze object , like pendant or amulet…/…it s can be used like accesories on workbech of Slavic druid…I know…but this concept was about bronze sculpt…and in cgsociety dont understand it…

You made Fascist busts ( http://www.yafaray.org/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3744) and call others Fascists I dont understand you…
You are paradox…

Tungee, this is not fascist bust, but bust of fascist dictator…If I make portrait of sick human I must be a medic…?..Think before attack you anybody…am not talking about fascicts on cgsociety, but about their fascist methods…

this concept havent any character sketches, it s not developed two or tree weeks, just one night /and any 3hours postpro on forest version

I mean exactly that.

sculpt version is clean bronze object , like pendant or amulet…/…it s can be used like accesories on workbech of Slavic druid…I know…but this concept was about bronze sculpt…and in cgsociety dont understand it…

So, improve it. It doesn’t matter understand it or not. It may look professional. Not done by a hobbist. That’s all.
But this stays very very far of being a “fascist”.

Slavonic girl…

quite frankly, I think you’d have far more luck in GCSociety with your awesome design renders…

I don’t understand why we are gossiping about CGSociety, when in fact this is BLENDERARTISTS forum…

Blocking your account etc does seem wrong but surely, like BlenderArtists, what makes it onto the gallery is up to them? I must say, I don’t see anything in this render that screams out gallery, sorry just my opinion.

I would agree with namekuseijin though, your design renders are stunning. And I personally thought your defeated Hitler bust was eerily realistic and worthy of great praise and totally disagree with tungee.

“…they dont like there good results made on open source or freeware…” That is what you said, and I answer : http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=121&t=671030 He won an award if I remember well.

And I agree with JayDez. What are you trying to prove ?

If you are a designer, you should know that put an ugly 2 colors gradient as background is actually really ugly and does not look like a finished render, your highlights are way too strong, your render has an ugly JPEG compression, and it does not look like Giger’s work (execpt if you mention it as a reference). Even you composition is flat.
Are you trying to compare yourself to Giger ? Honestly…

From the angle of view that you show (I’m talking about your render) we can not say if it’s a tail or a mermaid or something coming out of her anus. She has no arms, she is hurt in her back. That express such a violence. Do you have a Symbols Dictionary ? If yes, you may read about “dragon” because if it’s a tail, dragons represents the female sexuality/sensuality (I’m not going into deep details and that’s a really really rough description of what dragons represents) and if you are showing violence and sex, adding a face with no expression, that remind the movie “Salo or the 120 days of Sodom” (if you don’t have seen it you must) where we can see people with no identity, exploited by fascists.

So what I trying to say is stop crying and ask yourself what you really show on your renders.

And as JayDez, I don’t see the point about talking about CGSociety here.

PS: Sorry for the english mistakes I could have made.