Faster Particles?

I came across a problem where I was limited by the maximum particle speed of 2. For the application (engine flares) this was much too slow. Luckily for me I got around the problem by simply shrinking everything else so that particles moving at speed 2 was sufficiently fast.

However, is there another way to solve this problem, short of using forces to increase particle speeds or compiling my own modified version of blender? Is this an issue that will be negligible in the particle rewrite?

You can use a white Texture set to Int on to p of Normal for Velocity.


I hadn’t thought of that, thanks. That gives me some more flexibility.

That still leaves me with a maximum speed of 4, though. Considering 2.43 is in RC2 stage, I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a quick fix in this version, is there. :wink:

Would a steep Time IPO on the emitter make particles move faster, or just get emitted with higher frequency? I haven’t had time to test. Obviously the emitter would have to be separate from any other animated mesh or those would get sped up too.

A steep IPO should cause everything with the emmiter to happen more swiftly. If you decrease the frequency at which it emits at the same time as increasing the time ratio via the Time IPO Curve…:confused: …ERRRR.
It should speed up the particles.
I don’t have blender on me so I can’t test it but that should work. Good point CD38.

I tried that, actually. A steep time IPO would only work if the emitter did not move. While it would speed up the particles, any animation on the emitter itself is also sped up, even if the emitter is merely parented to a moving mesh. (I haven’t tried constraints yet, but it’s probably the same.)
Believe me, it’s quite interesting to see an engine flare fire like a missile away from the ship. :stuck_out_tongue:

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