Father Time **Update2 RVK anim

Here’s my WC entry so far,…the old dude with the hourglass


I think you should work a little bit more with the “nose-flips” especially
at the sockets. And the chins look a little bit too square

Nice start though!


True, he could use a little nostril surgery at that.

Now I am not any person to be telling you anything on modelling faces. (mine are horrible) so before I start, He looks good and yours is far far better than I can do.

Something I have noticed though and not just yours, is a concentration on the face without looking at the back of the head. (maybe it’s the distortion from the camera as well) what I mean by that is the back part of your skull (from your ears back) is wider than the front of you face. so your cheek bones should not be the widest part of the face. I know you haven’t put ears on it yet but that bone behind your ears is wider than your cheeks. if you look at the top of the skull straight down it’s more of an egg like shape with the smaller part of the egg being the front of the head.

Toons tend to have some skull shrinkage here and there, but don’t worry, I intend to make up for it by giving him enormous ears.

Toons, of course, foolish me. never mind.

This looks relly toonish.

Very good work keep it up! :smiley:

very good toon char, I like it

I don’t think they are perfect, but, they are ears,…I really hate modelling ears, but somehow i got through it.
<edit> thanks LukeP!

Well this was going to be my WC entry, but I got sidetracked and decided to make him talk instead. This is just a crude test, so keep in mind, I will be adding much more in the way of expressions, and mouth positions later.
DivX5 http://home.att.net/~zolgnar/fb2div.avi

it’s funny, and looks good so far… maybe a little hair and textures would also improve the look!

Well big surprise here. Modron doing ANOTHER wonderful modeling job…pshh that is just SOOOOOO typical. Thats all he ever does

:wink: nice work mate


About the animation:
There is a un-natural “jump” of the jaw in one point, else the rest of the mouth movment should be more “open”, in animation its always good to do movment abit more “wide” and “open” then there are in real life (specialy if its a cartoon)

Sorry about the English words (jump, open, wide), hope you understand what I mean (I dont remember the right animation-words in English)


hehe that’s because I forgot to move the jaw when I was forming the vowel keys, but I figured I’d just try to fake it. I am going to make a whole new set of keys for him anyway though. I am not really that happy with the current ones. He doesn’t have enough upper lip movement just for starters. Anyway, I’ll put him back up once I have some better keys.
Thanks for the comments guys.