Favorite Theme In A Film?

What do you like to see in a film? I’m just wondering.

Funny you should ask. I was just over to a buddies place, and he happens to be a Steven Segal film fan. I didn’t want to offend him in order to maintain diplomatic relations, but I sat and forced myself to watch back- to- back Stevie mono expression films. This is what I do not want to see in a film: bad acting, stereotyping, bad music, hole in plot the size of holes in the ozone, and recycled storylines. . If you want to learn film making learn from Stanley Kubrick, Ridley Scott, or Deepa Mehta and not Steven Segal. Hope this answers your question?

that could be a good debating theme… Who is the most boring monosylabic expression-less actor: Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme?



ROFL :smiley:

We planned once an actionfilm with some friends: Steven Seagal would be the main actor in it, but he would be paralyzed from the neck down in the opening scene of the movie, and he’d only grunt and be pissed off in wheelchair for the rest of the movie, until the last half hour or so, when the gorgeous naked Japanese lesbian-ninja-model-invasion force would slowly torture Steven Seagal to death :slight_smile:

The main plot of the movie was that the Gorgeous Naked Japanese Lesbian-Ninja-Models attack USA, and kick everyone’s ass, especially Steven Seagal’s and Chuck Norris’s, have lots of hot lesbian sex, and in the end enslave all of USA :smiley: Ofcourse the movie would be at least 5 hours long spectacle :stuck_out_tongue:

And anyone who takes the above seriously, should be slowly tortured to death by Gorgeous Naked Japanese Lesbian Ninja-Models :Z

You missed out ‘Mystery’. Not that I have a particular mystery film that I like, I just like mysterys, and philisophical things.

there is an other option.

BTW this is one of cubes thread’s that i don’t mind :-?

LOL about Steven Segal and Jean-Claude Van Damme You All To Hell. (–Mike Nelson’s Movie Megacheese wrote the “Van Damme You All To Hell”)

Jolly Gnome: Very funny. (Why would there need to be a 5-hour long FILM? Make it a mini-series… or better yet, make it an HBO/Showtime series, permanently, with bad actors constantly being tortured to death. HBO or Showtime should show it because otherwise there wouldn’t be enough hot lesbian sex.)

It’s spelled “mysteries” when you pluralize it. And I did miss “Mystery,” but this isn’t a definite “movie-theme” thing.

(faints from getting a compliment)