FBX LOD UE4 export is it possible at all?

  1. create an empty with the name “LOD_ObjectName”
  2. create a custom property on the empty: name = fbx_type, value = LodGroup
  3. parent each object (LODs and original object too) to the empty
    – order of parenting matters, not prefix in the name
    – original object should be parented last
    – e.g. LOD1, LOD2, LOD3, LOD0 (original object)
  4. select the empty and all the objects
  5. export
  6. this works for static meshes, though last time I tried with a skeletal mesh, the order in UE4 was not always correct

Pain in the ass, so just use this addon to automate it or write a python script.

the addon discovers LODs by object name prefix

  • ObjectName
  • LOD1_ObjectName
  • LOD2_ObjectName