hi guys need a little help in creating a “feather falling” sort of animation but for some falling candies.so idea is i have a emitter that is hooting some candies on to a cake , but the flow of the candies should be smooth just like a feather falling from above. i could understand how could i get that swift system. As a i thought the cloth simulation with Boids particle system would work, but i still have issues with it.if you any ideas or suggestions please comment.
thank you
I would not try to simulate a falling feather, it may be possible but to tweak the parameters will get crazy.
Try to mix just a simple down movement and an pendulum movement, where the speed of the pendulum is near the falling speed so you get some upwards movement. After that add x,y sinus noise to the falling movement and a bit of noisy rotation aligned to the pendulum movement.
But it may be easier as you already tried, you could try the hinge rigid in a wind system to get the feather moves.
ya you could actually do that with the combination of boids system and particle integration(setting the time step to a lower value)also using a turbulace force field will help you to get that waving effect.
set gravity to zero and add wind from above. done.
that the solution i tried.it works for me.