Feather-stone articulated body vs IK

Bullet 2.82 released: Featherstone and direct MLCP solvers. Poser 3D, Riptide GP2 using Bullet.

The new Bullet 2.82 SDK is available for download. It allows for higher quality physics simulation, suitable for robotics, using the Featherstone articulated body algorithm. The release also introduces a new Mixed Linear Complementarity Problem (MLCP) solver interface, with various direct solver implementations. Read more here. http://bulletphysics.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Bullet_PhysicsSofbodyMushroom-150x150.jpg
Our focus is now on integrating all Bullet 2.x features into the upcoming Bullet 3.x SDK. You can learn more about its progress in our SIGGRAPH course notes on GPU rigid body simulation at the Multithreading and VFX website.
Ralf Knoesel shared the good news that Riptide GP2, the latest iOS/Android game from Vector Unit, uses Bullet for collision detection and rigid body simulation. See http://www.bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9324 for more information
We have been working with Larry Weinberg and his crew to integrate Bullet soft body and rigid body into Poser 3D. Create rigid simulations with constraints to build complex mechanical interactions. Paint softbody constraint weights to animate. Add jiggle and bounce to any prop or character. Use the Live Simulation mode to preview dynamics in realtime, or calculate simulations to include in rendered animations. See for more information on Bullet and Poser 3D here.

My commenst- how would this be as a animations system for rigs?

Like the realtime physics rig, but with the featherstone solver animating rather then Jackii’s LinV code,

How long do you think it will take for blender bullet to be equal to trunk bullet?

Jackii’s python is lean,

and I have the rig under .5ms per frame in physics, but animations eat up some % and so does the scene-graph,

Does featherstone use more or less cpu then IK?+