Feature comparison between Photoshop and GIMP

Does anyone know if there is a list of comparable features between Photoshop and GIMP? A little later I will provide a list of Photoshop features to find out if there are comparable features in GIMP. Thanks

You should find something by searching for Photoshop Gimp Comparison. The biggest problem for me personally with Gimp is the lack of nondestructive layer adjustments. If that’s something you need, give Krita a try. If you want to buy a bigger tool with focus on photo editing but money is tight, Affinity Photo looks like a promising Photoshop competitor to me and only costs 55€ once. I’ve played around with it every now and then and am quite happy with it.

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Sersch, I think I can do everything with GIMP and Krita. Does Krita have vignetting, maybe in one of their Beta builds or do they call it something else? I could not find it in the Krita manual. I think Krita will do everything but I am not sure of the vignetting. Thanks

I don’t know if there is a vignetting preset, but it’s quite simple to create one by hand, regardless of the tool you are using.

Create an elliptical selection that fills your entire canvas. Create a mask from this selection. Invert the mask, so it only shows the part outside your ellipse. Create a fill layer that uses this mask, fill it with black. Blur the mask, lower the opacity and set the layer to Multiply.

Thank you Sersch. I will try to figure that out. I could also do the vignetting part in Gimp I suppose? Or is it better your way once you get the hang of it?

You can also create vignettes in Gimp this way. This is just a general workflow that works in every software that can create masks, blur layers and change layer blending modes.

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Krita supports G’MIC filters, there’s a Vignette effect there, but, like any other G’MIC filters, it’s destructive.

SonicBlue, are the G’MIC filters installed or do you need to install them?EDIT: SonicBlue I found them under filters. Thanks

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About Vignette, you have a gegl filter in GIMP:

For that kind of photo retouching like in images, I really use Darktable software.
I just realized that you were talking about Krita


YAFU thanks for telling me about Darktable software.

SonicBlue, do you know if the highpass filter in Krita works? There is one in GMIC as well. mkbreuer has a workaround of sorts from a few years back on the krita forum if you search highpass filter I think. https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=156&t=138319&p=370201&hilit=high+pass+filter#p370201 I am new to photo-processing. Thanks

It “works” but it doesn’t really work in reality, the effect that generates is not what you’d expect from a High Pass filter.

If you are using Windows, I suggest you to download Paint.NET along with this handy plugin:

You have to put the plugin .dll into the Effects folder C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects

–> Try holding shift and moving the middle mouse button

Thanks SonicBlue. I will give it a try.

…for those of us that don’t use a mouse, what does that do?

I guess you use the non-standard blender keymap since in blender that’s how you pan the view by default, tablets represent the MMB also, obviously.

Wait…I thought we were talking about PS vs GIMP…???

Right, and this is a Blender forum, so most users are going to have the muscle memory of panning the view. If you want to know what Blender view-panning does in GIMP, go try it yourself.

What’s the point of this comparison? In Photoshop you just hold down R and rotate the canvas.

I’ve got both a Photoshop subscription and Affinity Photo, and I have to admit I’m using Affinity Photo more than Photoshop. There are a few Photoshop features that are still unequalled, such as the quality of its content-aware tools, and the camera shake reduction. But other than that I love Affinity Photo more.

I’ve tried GIMP a number of times throughout the years, but despite the recent UI changes it still feels a bit dated. You have to find all kinds of plug-ins to make it complete, and most plug-in repositories are dead, and it’s unclear which plug-in version you need, etcetera. :slightly_smiling_face:

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