Just a simple model with a few simple texures to test the new ambient occlusion. + some pp.
the PP detracts to the picture: I can hardly tell what is blurred, what noise is added PP, and what noise is due to AO…
I really love the colors, thouh… calm, so calm… will you consider working slightly more on the environment, or is it really a finished work (as you just told: it’s an AO test…): the scene has a great potential, and half the hard work is already done!
I made this picture yesterdaynight, I was a litlle tired I think. I see now that he pp is way to heavy…
But I wont improve it anymore since this was just a test, and blender passed the test.
I find the church itself nearly PERFECT :o
IMHO it has the warmth churches in the summer in the southern part of Europe (I was going to toss Corsica, but elsewhere too).
The problem of the sun is obviously harder to tackle, and I’m not sure that it’s on par yet with the church itself.
Nontheless, it’s a very good work.
Beautiful colors and athmosphere.
Does the rather steep angle of the shawdow on the bell-tower really reflects the rise of the sun at that hour ?
nice pic, you should really do something about the shadow on the church. It looks very fake. The shadow is too high for mountain which probably cause the shadow.