Features Popping Off Characters - Help

I have 2 armatured characters whose features (eyes, nose, ears) pop off for a few frames at a couple of points in my animation. I parented and reparented, keyed, rekeyed, until I’m totally :x .
I’ve worked around the problem with varying the camera angles and alpha keying the offending parts, but I’d like to not have it happen. The remaining ‘seen’ example is the Fat Guys features at frame 860.
If anyone would care to tackle this problem let me know and I’ll send the blend file.
Thanks in advance,
PS: If there is a way to attach files while posting, let me know. :o

did you try doing an “apply size/rot” (Ctrl-A) to your armature?

usually, it fix any poping and weird stuff like that.


Well, not so good. The eyes are in the right place, but his head is up his ass, quite literally. Perhaps if I’d done as you suggested, pressing Ctrl-A, before doing any animation it would have worked.
Any other suggestions?

I am assuming the features are separate objects to the head, or other body parts. It is often a good idea to join all meshes to prevent this sort of thing from happening, then making groups of each part that correspond with each bone name.

If you’ve done this, please ignore me. I make noise.


I also thought that would be a solution. Unaccountably, when I try to join these meshes they just don’t join.
AND now I see that I was trying to join nurb curves to my main mesh, therefore no join. Of course when I joined converted meshes they flew away from my main mesh.
BUT, just converting the curves to meshes without joining seems to have solved all problems, I hope.
Thanks to all who walked me through all the paths I thought I’d already taken.
Pam :wink:

Okay, I have had similar problems. What you must do before converting, is un-parent each object from the armature, but KEEP TRANSFORM. You can only join meshes to meshes, and so, unfortunately, you must convert all nurbs surfaces to mesh. All you have to do then is select each using the SHIFT RMB technique, and then his CNTRL J to join.

But since you’ve solved the problem, never mind me.

Okay, I have had similar problems. What you must do before converting, is un-parent each object from the armature, but KEEP TRANSFORM. You can only join meshes to meshes, and so, unfortunately, you must convert all nurbs surfaces to mesh. All you have to do then is select each using the SHIFT RMB technique, and then his CNTRL J to join.

But since you’ve solved the problem, never mind me.