Feedback about Blender, well sort off...

I have some suggestions concerning features that I believe would come in handy in future versions of Blender. Some of these ideas may have already been implemented and I have not yet discovered them. Here is what have in mind.8)

1} When moving a mesh outside of edit mode, I would like to specify that it’s refference point be it’s center/rotation point. For the location where it is to be moved to, I want to be able to specify the location by typing in coordinate values (x,y,z values etc.) to define it’s new location.

2} I want to be able to rotate the grid in order to assist in properly lining up elements of the meshes I am working on. One of my test objects rotates 10 degrees for every foot in rises in elevation. Some parts of it also scale outward at the same time. Holding down the shift key as I rotate the mesh helps to fine toon the rotation angle, but doesn’t provide any help with scaling, and after rotation, they no longer line up with the grid, thus I can’t use the grid to help with scaling.

Those are my only suggestions for now. If I come up with others I’ll mention them in another post.

  1. the magical N (for numeric) key

  2. a better way to do this is to use Dupliframes rather than copying each obj individually

I’m not sure what you mean phillip. I have never heard of dupliframes. Also, I don’t copy objects. Instead, I select some verticies and extrude them to form the next part of the mesh currently being worked on.

Go to the tute list in the top post on this board and search for “Dupliframes”

A couple of good ones that came up:

For problem 1, see:
