I have recently begun using the alt+b clipping option a lot but it is very limited.
As it works in viewport for for the alt+b option I know it should be possible.
Case example:
1: Add a Clipping Plain from the add menu (like adding an empty)
2: In the options one could specify if the plain cut everything from one side or the other.
I quess it would be cool if such a feature would render as well but I dont know if this is possible to implement in an engine like ie. cycles?
Off the top of my head, this should be dead simple in a raytracer. All you should need to do is clip your ray against your clipping planes (the minimum/maximum of a couple of line/plane intersections) before sending it off to intersect the scene.
So basically how the Bisect operator works, but only for the viewport?
There’s something similar already in blender: clip start / end, but it’s of course always aligned to the view. Not sure if it’s really that trivial to clip by an arbitrary rotated plane…
When using the alt+b shortcut (kind of hidden feature) to make a clipping cone it clips from 4 different sides also in perspective / orto viewport. So it should be possible. I have not looked at the source behind the alt-b yet though.
That looks simple enough but I quess it would be much harder to make it work with an object like an empty and update when it is moved / rotated etc. And with multiple cutting planes…
not sure what the problem with an empty would be?
I assume everything would be clipped, even the lines of an empty, and faces of meshes be cut if they are partially on this and partially the other side of the plane?
Any OpenGL expert to tell if it’s possible to use multiple glClipPlane?
After some recent thoughts I have been thinking about how hard it would be to implement a new Section Plane feature.
The idea is to make a new kind of object (or empty style object). That would define a GL viewport clipping plane.
Then when moved only what is on one side of the this object is shown. All else is cut away.
Perfect for modelling complex parts/buildings/props etc
Could also define a plane for clipping feature for renderengines so it could be rendered.
Anyone know if this is doable?
Help/feedback most welcome.